In Year Transfer

It is possible to join Clarendon Academy mid-year. This is known as an ‘in year transfer’. We normally welcome between 10-30 new students each year via this process.

To join Clarendon Academy via the ‘in year transfer’ process, the following steps need to be taken:

  • Send an email to Miss Clune, Assistant Head i/c of Admissions. Her email address is
  • A visit will be arranged for you / your son/daughter to look around the school
  • If you have a copy of your child’s most recent school report, please bring it with you to your meeting
  • Download the In Year application form from Wiltshire Council (external link)
  • Complete the form and send it to Wiltshire Council (the address is on the form)
  • We will process your application and be in contact from there

Providing your application is successful, a start date will be agreed, and you will be told which House your child will join.  

New Students must come to school on their first day wearing correct school uniform, and ready to learn. 

Every student is expected to be equipped with a pen, pencil, ruler and calculator.

Planned Admission Number

Our Planned Admission Number (PAN) is 262 in year groups 7 to 11.

Wiltshire Council

You can apply for a place at Clarendon Academy through the Admissions Team at Wiltshire Council. 

The quickest way is to complete an application form online by visiting the Wiltshire Council’s website:

Contact details for the Admissions Team:

Schools Admissions Team
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
BA14 8JN
Telephone number: 01225 713010